Mickey Mouse hat

Mickey Mouse hat

This easy and simple children’s craft can complete a nice mouse costume perfect for the youngest ones to enjoy Carnival.

Mickey Mouse hat


  • To develop skill.
  • To learn how to reuse objects.


  • Old black or dark grey panties.
  • Pink paper
  • Scissors
  • A stapler

Pasos a seguir

Cut the panties’ legs. You will only need the top.

Mickey Mouse hat paso 1

Tie a knot in the extreme of each leg.

Mickey Mouse hat paso 2

Draw the ears in the pink paper and cut them out.

Mickey Mouse hat paso 3

Staple the ears to the two knots of the legs.

Mickey Mouse hat paso 4

Complete the costume making up yourself as a mouse and dressing yourself with tights and a grey or black sweater.

Mickey Mouse hat paso 5


  • Edad:4 years
  • Tiempo:30 minutes
  • Dificultad:Low

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