

With this children’s craft, the child will be able to surprise his parents, grandparents, uncles and other family members with an unforgettable memento.



  • To develop fine motor control
  • To make a careful and precise work.
  • To develop creativity


  • A cardboard sheet
  • Glue
  • Markers
  • Family photos, a lock, little mementos
  • A sheet of white or colored paper to cover the cardboard.
  • Scissors
  • Colored papers or gomets

Pasos a seguir

Glue the big sheet of paper in the cardboard sheet. The paper has to protrude at least 2 cm from each side. Cut out the angles as in the photo.

Photo-collage paso 1

Fold the remaining paper behind the cardboard and stick it. Turn the frame that you have obtained.

Photo-collage paso 2

Choose the photos that you are going to use and cut them out to make a nice collage.

Photo-collage paso 3

Glue the photos on the frame

Photo-collage paso 4

Decorate the background with pictures, gomets, flowers…

Photo-collage paso 5


  • Edad:4 years
  • Tiempo:45 minutes
  • Dificultad:Low

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