Lizzard puppet
Lizzard puppet
This childrens craft will stimulate the imagination of the youngest ones. It is perfect for livening up a birthday party or any other childrens celebration.
- To do a creative activity.
- To have a toy as medium of communication.
- To develop visual discrimination.
- A bright coloured or black sock not very big to open and close well the puppet.
- Two pipecleaners.
- Glue
- Two big and two small pompons.
- A piece of red felt.
Pasos a seguir
Glue the two big pompoms on the top of the sock. Glue the small pompoms on the big ones to make the lizards eyes.
Cut a piece of pipe cleaner, twist it and glue it on the seam to make the lizards mouth.
Cut two pieces of pipe cleaner of the same size and make two rings. Glue to the two sides of the eyes
Cut a red felt rectangle to make the tongue. Make two points in one of the sides. Glue the tongue to the lizard under the sock between the toe and the heel.
Artículo recomendado
Put your hand into the sock. Put four fingers in the toe and the thumb in the heel. When you open your hand, the snakes mouth will open!
- Edad:5 years
- Tiempo:30 minutes
- Dificultad:Low
Artículo recomendado
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