

This children craft is perfect for the guests to know where to sit in big family celebrations such as Christmas, New Year’s Eve or birthdays.



  • To develop skill.
  • To deveop concentration.
  • To acquire agility cutting out.


  • White, pink, green and yellow card.
  • A wooden brochette
  • Scissors
  • A red and a black marker
  • A clay pot
  • Plasticine or salt paste (a little ball is enough)

Pasos a seguir

Reproduce two flowers and two leaves in a colored card and a chick in the yellow card following the model of the photo. Cut out all the elements of the flowers and the leaves. Cut out two ovals and glue them in the centre of the flower. Write the name of each guest.

Flowerpot paso 1

Glue the brochette between the leaves. Glue the flower to the leaves.

Flowerpot paso 2

Finish drawing the chick.

Flowerpot paso 3

Fill up the pot with plasticine

Flowerpot paso 4

Plant the flower in the pot. Glue the chick on the flower. Now you can put the sign next to each guest’s dish.

Flowerpot paso 5


  • Edad:4 years
  • Tiempo:1 hour
  • Dificultad:Medium

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