Base for crowns

Base for crowns

This children’s craft made with card or cardboard is used as a base to make more complex crowns, masks, wigs… Or you can use it alone as a prince or princesa crown!

Base for crowns


  • To make a base craft to create other more difficult
  • To learn to reuse and recycle packings to protect the environment
  • To learn to measure
  • To learn to staple


  • Card or domestic cardboard
  • A pencil
  • A stapler
  • A ruler
  • Scissors

Pasos a seguir

Draw a 30cm line in the card and cut it. Draw and cut eight stripes 2 cm width. This way, you will have eight stripes of 30x2 cm. Staple two stripes in an extreme to form a larger stripe.

Base for crowns paso 1

Form a ring with that longer stripe and staple it

Base for crowns paso 2

Staple a stripe to each side of the ring

Base for crowns paso 3

Staple the rest of the stripes equidistantly. Shorten 2 cm the six stripes.

Base for crowns paso 4

Staple two stripes opposite between them forming a bow over the ring. Staple the rest of the stripes superimposing them to the two first until forming a dome.

Base for crowns paso 5


  • Edad:3 years
  • Tiempo:30 minutes
  • Dificultad:Low

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