Decorative pot

Decorative pot

This children’s craft made with salt pastry or plasticine is a good present for Mother’s Day, Christmas or a birthday.

Decorative pot


  • To acquire agility in the fingers.
  • To develop creativity.
  • To develop concentration.
  • To learn to make an effort to get what one wants.


  • Salt pastry or plasticine which hardens in contact with air.
  • Sticks or wooden brochettes
  • A paintbrush
  • Baking tins with different shapes
  • A pot
  • A rolling pin
  • Paint
  • Varnish
  • Glue
  • Aromatic potpourri

Pasos a seguir

Knead the plasticine or salt pastry to soften it and make a big ball.

Decorative pot paso 1

Spread the ball with the rolling pin. Make figures with the baking tins.

Decorative pot paso 2

Make a hole in the base of the figures pricking with the brochette. Wait until it is dried or fire it in the oven aat 120º C. Paint the figures and stick them to the brochettes.

Decorative pot paso 3

Paint the pot. Leave it to dry and varnish it. Glue a salt pastry or plasticine ball in the bottom of the pot.

Decorative pot paso 4

Prick the figures in the pot. Fill it with aromatic potpourri or dried flowers to cover the salt pastry or plasticine ball.

Decorative pot paso 5


  • Edad:7 years
  • Tiempo:1 hour
  • Dificultad:Medium

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