Butterflies mobile

Butterflies mobile

This children’s craft will allow decorating the child’s room. And it can also be used to celebrate the spring’s arrival!

Butterflies mobile


  • To learn to glue correctly
  • To acquire manual precission
  • To learn to fit shapes
  • To learn to classify


  • Colored cards
  • Scissors
  • A wooden stick
  • A black card
  • Glue
  • Nylon thread

Pasos a seguir

Draw the butterfly and the patches of the wings in different cards, following the models of the photo. Cut out the elements.

Butterflies mobile paso 1

Cut out a strip of black card for each butterfly and bend it in two.

Butterflies mobile paso 2

Decorate the butterfly’s wings gluing colored patches one on the others.

Butterflies mobile paso 3

Bend the butterflies leaving the decorated side of the wings outside. If you want, you can also decorate the other side of the wings. Spread the wings of each butterfly.

Butterflies mobile paso 4

Glue the black antennas in the interior of the body. Make a hole in the centre of each butterfly and put a nylon thread through it. Tie and balance the butterflies in the wooden stick to make the mobile.

Butterflies mobile paso 5


  • Edad:6 years
  • Tiempo:1 hour
  • Dificultad:Low

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